Information for Parents

General Information

Class Materials

Class Rules and Guidelines

Academic Expectations in Mrs. Schrage’s Classroom

Come to Class on Time

Be Prepared for Class-Be Responsible!

Do the Assigned Work

Respect Yourself and Others

Take Care of Property and the Environment!

Always Do Your Best!

These expectations set up students for success.  It is important for students to stay organized in order to meet these expectations.  Not only do these requirements ask students to do what is best for them, they also ask students to do what is best for the group as a whole as well.

Mrs. Schrage's Classroom Rules

Listen when someone is speaking

Raise your hand to speak

Follow directions quickly

Be a caring friend

Always do your best work!

These rules are just a few basic requirements that will ensure the classroom is run smoothly.  The rules are intended to keep everyone safe and to help every student be successful.